Relevant Articles on Race, Music and hip hop
Protesters are exercising their rights of freedom of speech and freedom of peaceful assembly. It is sad to note that we are still seeing many forms of racism in the United States. One wonders whether racism will ever come to an end or not. Is racism better now or getting worse than during the slave trade period?Whoever is the creator of music videos should not be creating music videos that carry demeaning messages against any race.
Whatever we can say on this board will not change anything, after all, who will hear us? Who will support our views?It is crystal clear that there are still many people who like the so-called “race superiority.” Such group of people is still living behind because the contemporary world is now agitating for more diversity. Even in Europe, Asia and Africa, they are all calling for diversity, that is, having all races mingling together whether at work, in schools, colleges, universities and all other public places.
Those protesters will win the war of racism because they have the law on their side, and the world will support them. The majority of mankind is good regardless of race, gender and nationality.Music should be disseminating good messages to every age group. Music producers should be concentrating on producing music which is educational without demeaning or insulting any one or any race.
We should live in peace and love one another regardless of difference in racial origins. Moreover, no race is more superior than the other. We are all equally created by One God. Love is the only way to promote peace. Therefore, let’s go out and promote love, reconciliation, unity and diversity.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Race,Gender and Media
A Confession of Sorts
It is a pity to see that Journalists can make such a serious mistake especially in the case of Ms. Walker’s death. Journalists are supposed to be working within the ethics of journalism, where are the ethics of Journalism. There are no ethics of Journalism in this case.
Yes! Everyone makes a mistake but this kind of mistake is so grave that no one can comprehend how a professional journalist can make such a grave mistake.The problem with many journalists is that they like making their own assumptions and write a story based on personal emotions, especially when the story is about the “hard news.” This is where they make most of their money.
It’s time to make innovations in the journalism professionalism, an innovation that will embrace all the elements of journalism ethics. Journalist should stop writing stories based on personal assumption and emotion. These devices can serious injure a journalist’s career.
The class should learn a lesson from this story. There is an old say in English “Prevention is better than cure.” In other words, journalists shouldn’t report a story to the public without getting all the facts first. They should engage into inductive reasoning as opposed to deductive reasoning. Get all the facts before publishing the story whether it’s hard news or soft news.
I repeat, prevention is better than cure.
It is a pity to see that Journalists can make such a serious mistake especially in the case of Ms. Walker’s death. Journalists are supposed to be working within the ethics of journalism, where are the ethics of Journalism. There are no ethics of Journalism in this case.
Yes! Everyone makes a mistake but this kind of mistake is so grave that no one can comprehend how a professional journalist can make such a grave mistake.The problem with many journalists is that they like making their own assumptions and write a story based on personal emotions, especially when the story is about the “hard news.” This is where they make most of their money.
It’s time to make innovations in the journalism professionalism, an innovation that will embrace all the elements of journalism ethics. Journalist should stop writing stories based on personal assumption and emotion. These devices can serious injure a journalist’s career.
The class should learn a lesson from this story. There is an old say in English “Prevention is better than cure.” In other words, journalists shouldn’t report a story to the public without getting all the facts first. They should engage into inductive reasoning as opposed to deductive reasoning. Get all the facts before publishing the story whether it’s hard news or soft news.
I repeat, prevention is better than cure.
Race,Gender and Media
This question “Is Black Back” is a rhetorical question. Black has always been there since the creation of the world, since God created Adam and Eve. There is nothing wrong with the noun “Black.” In fact black is the original color of all colors, No color can be made without the existence of the black color, no wonder black is beautiful. No wonder the father of Soul James Brown told his Negro people to “Say it Loud, I’m Black and I’m Proud!”
The only problem is the fact that white racists perceive the noun black as “evil,” yet black is beautiful. Those who think that black is evil are simply uncivilized, hence, there is no need to spend so much time on this debate whether black is back or not.
We have now seen it in the American culture that black is indeed beautiful and, it is very important to be 100 percent black in the USA political arena. If you claim to be an African American person, you must have 100 percent black blood in your genes, that is, your parents must both have 100 percent black blood from black African ancestors. If you have mixed blood from different races then you are not recognized as a Black person, it means that you are not black enough to claim that you belong to the Black African Race,that’s means that you have no race, hence, the stereotyped society will perceive you as “ the lost generation.”
If you are a politician, your political antagonists will use your mixed color as a weakness to campaign against you because they will percieve you as "the lost generation."It’s a blessing to be born from both parents who have no foreign blood in their genes, whether they are black or white. It’s a curse to be born from mixed blood (Coloreds).You are better off to just have 100 percent of black blood or 100 percent of white(caucasion ) blood in your body.However, no skin color is superior over other skin colors, we are all equal and should just love one another and stop racism.
This question “Is Black Back” is a rhetorical question. Black has always been there since the creation of the world, since God created Adam and Eve. There is nothing wrong with the noun “Black.” In fact black is the original color of all colors, No color can be made without the existence of the black color, no wonder black is beautiful. No wonder the father of Soul James Brown told his Negro people to “Say it Loud, I’m Black and I’m Proud!”
The only problem is the fact that white racists perceive the noun black as “evil,” yet black is beautiful. Those who think that black is evil are simply uncivilized, hence, there is no need to spend so much time on this debate whether black is back or not.
We have now seen it in the American culture that black is indeed beautiful and, it is very important to be 100 percent black in the USA political arena. If you claim to be an African American person, you must have 100 percent black blood in your genes, that is, your parents must both have 100 percent black blood from black African ancestors. If you have mixed blood from different races then you are not recognized as a Black person, it means that you are not black enough to claim that you belong to the Black African Race,that’s means that you have no race, hence, the stereotyped society will perceive you as “ the lost generation.”
If you are a politician, your political antagonists will use your mixed color as a weakness to campaign against you because they will percieve you as "the lost generation."It’s a blessing to be born from both parents who have no foreign blood in their genes, whether they are black or white. It’s a curse to be born from mixed blood (Coloreds).You are better off to just have 100 percent of black blood or 100 percent of white(caucasion ) blood in your body.However, no skin color is superior over other skin colors, we are all equal and should just love one another and stop racism.
Videos and Web sites for Class
In the video, the advertiser is only advertising ladies with slim bodies as usual. It’s not strange to advertise slim or skinny bodies. This kind of advertisement is some how discriminatory. Yes! I think advertising the so-called skinny beautiful ladies is discriminatory because fat women are never advertised in any fashion shows. It’s a pity that fat women are not perceived as “beautiful women.” Fat women are perceived as being “ not beautiful, un attractive women” and most men don’t want them. Moreover, there has never been a fashion show which has used fat women to advertise their new fashions, why not?
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Dr. Prince Tumbwehx’s Speech
43rd Zambia’s Independence Celebration Day, October 27, 2007.
Dallas, Texas, U.S.A.
While we are celebrating our important national freedom, it is imperative not only to celebrate but we should also discuss national issues such as economic, political social and the role of leadership.
What do we understand by the term “ political leader” A political leader is one who guides the government towards improvement of living conditions of the people and focus on creating better economic opportunities for all.
One of the major challenges for a political leader is to be able to come up with a good workable policies or a good plan for the betterment of the nation, constructive solutions and direct the nation in the right direction for the national unity, development and economic prosperity.
We now live in the contemporary world where we have to promote true principles of democracy and fight hard against principles of fascism and tyranny rule.
Many people can become good political leaders, but they are discouraged to run for political positions due to lack of funds, fear and intimidation from political antagonists and pundits. Some people are interested to become political leaders but they are psychologically defeated due to having little education. Some people have no interest in politics; hence, they see no reason to participate in political leadership.
However, good leaders are God appointed leaders. Even in a nation that truly practices genuine Democracy, God appointed leaders have got to participate into either the general or presidential elections before they can lead the nation. People can’t know an aspiring candidate’s political interest and views unless they communicate their political ambition and views to the people.
Godly appointed leaders are leaders who are called by God to lead his people in the right way like Moses and Aaron who lead the children of Israel from Egypt to Canaan.
When God appoints someone to be a leader, he puts them in reserve until the appointed time. God’s appointed time is the best time. Sometimes God appointed leaders start experiencing dreams of becoming a leader so on and so forth as they grow, they may not know that they are future leaders. When the right time comes they start having symptoms of leadership and they start behaving like leaders, they may start from a small scale and rise to the highest office of the government and their dreams come true.
The Lord said to Jeremiah, Chapter 1 verse 5. “Before I formed thee in the belly, I knew thee and before though comest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee and I ordained thee a prophet unto nations.”
God is saying to Jeremiah, even before you were conceived in your mother’s womb, before she gave birth to you, I appointed you a leader, I set you aside, I preserved you for my purpose and I sanctified you.
Unfortunately, not all leaders are called by God to lead a nation. Some leaders who are not called to lead the nation are goal oriented for personal gain, as opposed to serving the people and execute national development. For example, in 1991 when we were changing from one party participatory democracy to multiparty democracy, we elected some men who had no fear for God, men who had no mercy for the poor children and the poor old people, men whose goal orientation was to enrich themselves through political corruption and embezzlement of government funds. Are the Zambian people ready to make the same mistake in the year 2011 general and presidential elections? We should be aware that political corruption and embezzlement of tax payers’ funds breed poverty and death among innocent people.
Between now and beyond, we should be focusing on looking for good men and women who can serve national interests as opposed to personal benefits. The best leader is he who has reverence for God in addition to having higher broad based academic qualifications, political, social and economic management skills to revamp the nation’s economy and deliver the goods to the people. When a God appointed leader is in office, he or she becomes a great asset to the nation and leads the nation in to the direction that has economic prosperity, godly living, high moral standards, delegates his or her leadership with integrity, dignity, faithfulness, effectiveness with accountability and righteousness.
Throughout the human history in the Bible, God’s anger was kindled at people because they forsook him and failed to follow his statutes.
Jeremiah Chapter 1, verse 10 says that, God appointed leaders are sometimes called to execute judgment to build and to make changes.
“See, I have set you over the nations and over the Kingdoms, to root out and to pull down, to build and to plant." (Jeremiah 1:10.)
All the famous leaders in the holy bible and those that have lived in the contemporary world have served short and long terms. Despite the fact that power is sweet, leaders leave the office by the following:
1. Constitutional law
2. By poor health
3. By death
4. By resignation when accused of being partakers of white color crime or political corruption.
Now we can see that change of leadership is inevitable whether you like it or not.
Some political leaders fail to run the office faithfully and effectively because of the following:
1. Gross political corruption activities
2. Nepotism
3. Tribalism
4. Lack of commitment
5. White color crime
6. Selfishness
7. Lack of leadership qualities
Enough is enough. Prophet Isaiah says, “You have been inflicted before, you should not allow yourself to be inflicted again.” In Zambia, we have been inflicted by voting for wrong leaders whose interest was only to enrich themselves and their families thereby neglecting the purpose that they were voted for which is to develop the country.
I’m excited for this leadership challenge that the Lord has installed in me. I pray that the Lord God Jehovah Jaira will give us learned born again leaders some of them are amongst you who will help us to bring positive change in the Zambian government for the betterment of the Zambian people, God’s people. You the people are the government, therefore, let your good works and leadership skills be seen by others and God will be glorified.
I’m appealing to all of you the Zambian people, God’s people to rally behind our newly formed political party called: Democratic Union Party so that together we can bring economic development in Zambia.
When the Zambian people give us the mandate to lead the government in the year 2011 and beyond, my faithful and effective government will execute national economic network and development plan that will focus on the following areas:
1. Better standards of health
2. Elimination of poverty
3. Creation of employment opportunities
4. Mandatory education from grade 1 to grade 12
5. Better quality of education
6. We shall increase government funding for colleges and universities
6. Better agricultural policies
7. Decent affordable housing for the low income families
8. Better Communication network
9. Rehabilitation of highways both in the urban and rural areas
10. Reformation of taxes
11. Urban and rural development
12. Decentralization of the government
13. We shall execute much more media liberation including the freedom of speech and freedom
of peaciful assembly.
Ladies and gentlemen, at this juncture, I would like to remind you that our forefathers fought for the National Independence. But National Independence loses its value when the people are hungry.
National Independence loses its value when the people are chronically ill with different kinds of diseases.
National Independence loses its value when many children cannot afford college and universities education.
National Independence loses its value when the people have no employment opportunities.
National Independence loses its value when people are dying of economic depression.
National Independence loses its value when wicked leaders are running the government of the day.
National Independence can only gain its value when learned God fearing leaders are running the Government of the day.
The Holy bible says, “When good leaders are in authority, the people rejoice!”
The time has come for us to fight for national economic freedom and media liberation including freedom of speech and freedom to assemble peacefully.
When the Zambian people give me the mandate to lead the nation as the President of Zambia, my faithful and effective government will ensure that economic freedom will be available to all the Zambian citizens.
Therefore, I’m hereby opening doors to every Zambian citizen abroad and at home to join our God fearing team, “The Democratic Union Party of Zambia.” Together we shall form a government that will be recognized in the world's history as the most faithful and effective government of the Republic of Zambia as from the year 2011 and beyond.
May the Lord God, Jehovah Jaira bless us all in our fight for the National Economic Freedom.
Thank you.
43rd Zambia’s Independence Celebration Day, October 27, 2007.
Dallas, Texas, U.S.A.
While we are celebrating our important national freedom, it is imperative not only to celebrate but we should also discuss national issues such as economic, political social and the role of leadership.
What do we understand by the term “ political leader” A political leader is one who guides the government towards improvement of living conditions of the people and focus on creating better economic opportunities for all.
One of the major challenges for a political leader is to be able to come up with a good workable policies or a good plan for the betterment of the nation, constructive solutions and direct the nation in the right direction for the national unity, development and economic prosperity.
We now live in the contemporary world where we have to promote true principles of democracy and fight hard against principles of fascism and tyranny rule.
Many people can become good political leaders, but they are discouraged to run for political positions due to lack of funds, fear and intimidation from political antagonists and pundits. Some people are interested to become political leaders but they are psychologically defeated due to having little education. Some people have no interest in politics; hence, they see no reason to participate in political leadership.
However, good leaders are God appointed leaders. Even in a nation that truly practices genuine Democracy, God appointed leaders have got to participate into either the general or presidential elections before they can lead the nation. People can’t know an aspiring candidate’s political interest and views unless they communicate their political ambition and views to the people.
Godly appointed leaders are leaders who are called by God to lead his people in the right way like Moses and Aaron who lead the children of Israel from Egypt to Canaan.
When God appoints someone to be a leader, he puts them in reserve until the appointed time. God’s appointed time is the best time. Sometimes God appointed leaders start experiencing dreams of becoming a leader so on and so forth as they grow, they may not know that they are future leaders. When the right time comes they start having symptoms of leadership and they start behaving like leaders, they may start from a small scale and rise to the highest office of the government and their dreams come true.
The Lord said to Jeremiah, Chapter 1 verse 5. “Before I formed thee in the belly, I knew thee and before though comest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee and I ordained thee a prophet unto nations.”
God is saying to Jeremiah, even before you were conceived in your mother’s womb, before she gave birth to you, I appointed you a leader, I set you aside, I preserved you for my purpose and I sanctified you.
Unfortunately, not all leaders are called by God to lead a nation. Some leaders who are not called to lead the nation are goal oriented for personal gain, as opposed to serving the people and execute national development. For example, in 1991 when we were changing from one party participatory democracy to multiparty democracy, we elected some men who had no fear for God, men who had no mercy for the poor children and the poor old people, men whose goal orientation was to enrich themselves through political corruption and embezzlement of government funds. Are the Zambian people ready to make the same mistake in the year 2011 general and presidential elections? We should be aware that political corruption and embezzlement of tax payers’ funds breed poverty and death among innocent people.
Between now and beyond, we should be focusing on looking for good men and women who can serve national interests as opposed to personal benefits. The best leader is he who has reverence for God in addition to having higher broad based academic qualifications, political, social and economic management skills to revamp the nation’s economy and deliver the goods to the people. When a God appointed leader is in office, he or she becomes a great asset to the nation and leads the nation in to the direction that has economic prosperity, godly living, high moral standards, delegates his or her leadership with integrity, dignity, faithfulness, effectiveness with accountability and righteousness.
Throughout the human history in the Bible, God’s anger was kindled at people because they forsook him and failed to follow his statutes.
Jeremiah Chapter 1, verse 10 says that, God appointed leaders are sometimes called to execute judgment to build and to make changes.
“See, I have set you over the nations and over the Kingdoms, to root out and to pull down, to build and to plant." (Jeremiah 1:10.)
All the famous leaders in the holy bible and those that have lived in the contemporary world have served short and long terms. Despite the fact that power is sweet, leaders leave the office by the following:
1. Constitutional law
2. By poor health
3. By death
4. By resignation when accused of being partakers of white color crime or political corruption.
Now we can see that change of leadership is inevitable whether you like it or not.
Some political leaders fail to run the office faithfully and effectively because of the following:
1. Gross political corruption activities
2. Nepotism
3. Tribalism
4. Lack of commitment
5. White color crime
6. Selfishness
7. Lack of leadership qualities
Enough is enough. Prophet Isaiah says, “You have been inflicted before, you should not allow yourself to be inflicted again.” In Zambia, we have been inflicted by voting for wrong leaders whose interest was only to enrich themselves and their families thereby neglecting the purpose that they were voted for which is to develop the country.
I’m excited for this leadership challenge that the Lord has installed in me. I pray that the Lord God Jehovah Jaira will give us learned born again leaders some of them are amongst you who will help us to bring positive change in the Zambian government for the betterment of the Zambian people, God’s people. You the people are the government, therefore, let your good works and leadership skills be seen by others and God will be glorified.
I’m appealing to all of you the Zambian people, God’s people to rally behind our newly formed political party called: Democratic Union Party so that together we can bring economic development in Zambia.
When the Zambian people give us the mandate to lead the government in the year 2011 and beyond, my faithful and effective government will execute national economic network and development plan that will focus on the following areas:
1. Better standards of health
2. Elimination of poverty
3. Creation of employment opportunities
4. Mandatory education from grade 1 to grade 12
5. Better quality of education
6. We shall increase government funding for colleges and universities
6. Better agricultural policies
7. Decent affordable housing for the low income families
8. Better Communication network
9. Rehabilitation of highways both in the urban and rural areas
10. Reformation of taxes
11. Urban and rural development
12. Decentralization of the government
13. We shall execute much more media liberation including the freedom of speech and freedom
of peaciful assembly.
Ladies and gentlemen, at this juncture, I would like to remind you that our forefathers fought for the National Independence. But National Independence loses its value when the people are hungry.
National Independence loses its value when the people are chronically ill with different kinds of diseases.
National Independence loses its value when many children cannot afford college and universities education.
National Independence loses its value when the people have no employment opportunities.
National Independence loses its value when people are dying of economic depression.
National Independence loses its value when wicked leaders are running the government of the day.
National Independence can only gain its value when learned God fearing leaders are running the Government of the day.
The Holy bible says, “When good leaders are in authority, the people rejoice!”
The time has come for us to fight for national economic freedom and media liberation including freedom of speech and freedom to assemble peacefully.
When the Zambian people give me the mandate to lead the nation as the President of Zambia, my faithful and effective government will ensure that economic freedom will be available to all the Zambian citizens.
Therefore, I’m hereby opening doors to every Zambian citizen abroad and at home to join our God fearing team, “The Democratic Union Party of Zambia.” Together we shall form a government that will be recognized in the world's history as the most faithful and effective government of the Republic of Zambia as from the year 2011 and beyond.
May the Lord God, Jehovah Jaira bless us all in our fight for the National Economic Freedom.
Thank you.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Is Black Back?
This question “Is Black Back” is a rhetorical question. Black has always been there since the creation of the world, since God created Adam and Eve. There is nothing wrong with the noun “Black.” In fact black is the original color of all colors, No color can be made without the existence of the black color, no wonder black is beautiful. No wonder the father of Soul James Brown told his Negro people to “Say it Loud, I’m Black and I’m Proud!”
The only problem is the fact that white racists perceive the noun black as “evil,” yet black is beautiful. Those who think that black is evil are simply uncivilized, hence, there is no need to spend so much time on this debate whether black is back or not.
We have now seen it in the American culture that black is indeed beautiful and, it is very important to be 100 percent black in the USA political arena. If you claim to be an African American person, you must have 100 percent black blood in your genes, that is, your parents must both have 100 percent black blood from black African ancestors. If you have mixed blood from different races then you are not recognized as a Black person, it means that you are not black enough to claim that you belong to the Black African Race,that’s means that you have no race, hence, the stereotyped society will perceive you as “ the lost generation.” If you are a politician, your political antagonists will use your mixed color as a weakness to campaign against you because they will percieve you as "the lost generation."
It’s a blessing to be born from both parents who have no foreign blood in their genes, whether they are black or white. It’s a curse to be born from mixed blood (Coloreds).
You are better off to just have 100 percent of black blood or 100 percent of white(caucasion ) blood in your body.
However, no skin color is superior over other skin colors, we are all equal and should just love one another and stop racism.
The only problem is the fact that white racists perceive the noun black as “evil,” yet black is beautiful. Those who think that black is evil are simply uncivilized, hence, there is no need to spend so much time on this debate whether black is back or not.
We have now seen it in the American culture that black is indeed beautiful and, it is very important to be 100 percent black in the USA political arena. If you claim to be an African American person, you must have 100 percent black blood in your genes, that is, your parents must both have 100 percent black blood from black African ancestors. If you have mixed blood from different races then you are not recognized as a Black person, it means that you are not black enough to claim that you belong to the Black African Race,that’s means that you have no race, hence, the stereotyped society will perceive you as “ the lost generation.” If you are a politician, your political antagonists will use your mixed color as a weakness to campaign against you because they will percieve you as "the lost generation."
It’s a blessing to be born from both parents who have no foreign blood in their genes, whether they are black or white. It’s a curse to be born from mixed blood (Coloreds).
You are better off to just have 100 percent of black blood or 100 percent of white(caucasion ) blood in your body.
However, no skin color is superior over other skin colors, we are all equal and should just love one another and stop racism.
Videos and Web Sites for Class
In the video, the advertiser is only advertising ladies with slim bodies as usual. It’s not strange to advertise slim or skinny bodies. This kind of advertisement is some how discriminatory. Yes! I think advertising the so-called skinny beautiful ladies is discriminatory because fat women are never advertised in any fashion shows. It’s a pity that fat women are not perceived as “beautiful women.” Fat women are perceived as being “ not beautiful, un attractive women” and most men don’t want them. Moreover, there has never been a fashion show which has used fat women to advertise their new fashions, why not?
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